Page 142 - YB1955a
P. 142
Wctlcxccutcd blo.;kingope"sholcforfreshlllan Dick. Although the margin was 27-0, and the locals had 1'.'1111,and Charlie White. They had played their suffered their second shutout of the wars, victory last game for Western Maryland as the curtain for the (l-Burg team came as the culmination of dropped on another football year. a highly technical attack, based 011 power and The Western Maryland record shows the result depth. Unwilling to submit easily to their far of hard work in a hard schedule. \\Thile unfor- superior opponents, the Terrors showed determi- tunate injuries hampered the local eleven, they nation and limited the Middle Atlantic Confer- were able to score three 'whitewashes against ence team to but 14 points in the first half. Two opponents and 10 out "Statistic" them in every breaks, an intercepted pass and a blocked punt, major category, except first downs. gave the home team two scores and the win. Top scoring honors went to Charlie White with In the finale of the '54 season, the Creen and a 25 point effort. He, in turn, was followed closely Cold dad geiddcrs chalked up a 12ยท7 accomplish- by Dick Hersh with 24 points, Chuck Smith with ment over their traditional arch-rivals from Johns 18 points, and Ralph Martinell with 12 points. Hopkins University. Playing on a thick, fog Other members contributed 15 points, to the covered Hoffa Field blanketed hy a heavy coat overall team total of 94 offensive points. of mud, the Terrors ended their up and down Individual rushing average honors went to two season with a well deserved victory. The Terrors sophomores, Dick Hersh (5.1 per carry drove to the Blue Jays 4 yard line, thanks to a over 71 carries) and Al Miller average per 33 yard gallop hy Al Miller. Then Dick Hersh carryover 92 carries). took the pigskin, sliced ofT his right tackle, and Charlie White outdistanced all comers for un- smashed over the goal line for a T.D. To insure disputed top honors in pass receiving, in which victory, young Dick Holbruner, in the last quar- he snagged 11 for 282 yards and four touch- ter, bolted through the center of the hard charg- downs. His nearest runner-up was Dusty Marinell, ing Terror line and raced 61 yards for WMC's who grabbed five for 134 yards and two six- second and last six pointer. final score-WMC pointers. 12-JHU 7. The versatile Hersh did practically all the After the final whistle had sounded, Hoffa field WMC punting, using his foot on 32 of Westefll said goodbye to seniors Warren Bimestefer, Jack Maryland's 43 punting occasions - averaging Duhl, Warren Mcf'ague, Jack Snover, Luke Su- slightly over 30 yards per attempt. 140
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