Page 140 - YB1955a
P. 140
Hol[,runcr pass eludes on-rushing defenscnwn 97 yards for the first six points. To insure their October 30th. Parents and old grads journeyed victory, the Tigers whipped off six more TDs and _from all parts of the compass to pour in around a field goal to end up with a 38 to 6 victory. It Hoffa Field, little realizing that they were about was an unhappy and tearful group of Terrors who to witness one of the finest comebacks in Western ascended the hill overlooking Hoffa Field follow- Maryland history. The opponent was Franklin ing the game. To paint the day a little blacker, and Marshall, the team which had previously Wanen Bimestefer ended his gridiron career walloped Johns Hopkins 40 to 0 after the Blue with a dislocated shoulder. Jays had eeked out a victory over Hampden- With the bitter taste of failure still remaining Sydney. The odds were heavily against the Ter- with the near-hapless Green Terrors, the scene rors. Never before in the school's history had the was set for the annual Homecoming game on Green and Gold lost a Homecoming game. The lrOlllllan Terror center, Jack Duhl Quarterhack RQnnie Jones sights his WMC's Charlie White shows form target. in snagging passes.
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