Page 138 - YB1955a
P. 138
FOOTBALL The Western Maryland Green Terrors, ham- trounced one week, can bounce buck the next to pered throughout the 1954 season with numerous restore the faith in Western Maryland football. injuries to key ballplayers, wound up the enm- Led once again by Head Coach Charlie Havens, paign with a 4.-4. record. This was not an out- the small band of Western Marylanders met teams standing record, but considering that there were from schools with enrollments sometimes three some days when only a handful of players were times their size. It was a rough and tumble sea- 011 hand for practice, il is a record to be proud of. son, a season marked with both cheers and tears, A record that shows how a team, thoroughly a season which saw inexperienced freshmen break relentlessly into the starting lineup-learning new positions. It was a season that witnessed the final game for seven Terror seniors, a season that was proud to honor one of the finest men in gridiron history, Mr. Richard Harlow. Opening their eight game card at home on September 25th and ignoring the fact that their pre-season training period was the shortest in the school's history, the Green Terrors, led by the funning of Warren Mcf'ague, star fullback of the 1951 championship team, exploded for a 25ยท0 victory over Dickinson College. Ligbtning-like smashes through the line by Al Miller and bullet- like from Wilmer Bimestefer to country White enabled Weslern Maryland to sue- cessfully ring up the curtain on their 615t imer- collegiate campaign. The Red Devils from Car- lisle were never ill the game. The following week the victory seeking Terrors journeyed to Chester, Pennsylvania, where they met faces with the power-laden Cadets of Penn Victor Makovitch Military College. On a muddy, rain soaked field, AHis/r/ll1 Coach the Iwo units battled ferociously and at the end 136
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