Page 89 - YB1954
P. 89
HOCKEY The hockey season opened the girls' sports pro- close of the season, intramural honors went to gram. Participation and enthusiasm were great the Freshmen and Mixed "A" teams. at the start, but slacked off as the season progressed. The Honorary hockey team was elected as fol- lows: Peg Janney, left wing; Joan Kellogg, left Games were scheduled with Goucher, Mount inner; Mary Jane Davison, center; Joy Nuttall, Saint Joseph's, Gettysburg, and Towson State right inner; Lillian Fowler, right wing; Carter Teachers' College, but due to several difficulties Baum, left half; Doris Tuckwood, center half; we were unable to playoff these games. Evelyn Harm, right half; Mary Ellen Weber, left Although the Terror team showed disappoint- back; Pat Weidner, right back; Jo Siehler, ment concerning the varsity games, there was goalie; Beth Crompton, Jean Cline, and Peggy spirit and fight in the intramural games. At the Artigiani, alternates. Kneeling: 1. Fowler, 1. Siehler, M. Davison, 1. Kellogg, D. Tuckwood, E. Hahn, 1. Nuttall. Standing: P. Janney, P. Weidner, 1. Kline, C. Baurn, P. Artigiani, M. Weber. 87
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