Page 88 - YB1954
P. 88
1st row: B. Summers, B. Almony, M. Arnie, D. Tuckwood, Miss Todd (Sponsor). 2nd row: M. Artigiani, C. Baum, K. Phillips, J. Siehler. 3rd row: J. Kellogg, B. Parsons, J. Taylor, M. Davison. WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The purposes of this organization are: to pro· champion being the girl who has defeated her mote women's athletics, to create a love of sports, own class winners and winners from the three and to foster the ideal of good sportsmanship. other classes. Sponsors are Miss Todd and Miss Parker. This year the W.A.A. plans to send two repre- '" The 1953·54 fall season began with the intra- sentatives to New York to attend the National mural hockey program, and ended with the Physical Education Conference to be held on annual hockey party. Intramural and extramural April 22·23. Money is being raised for the trip basketball games were conducted under the by the sale of sandwiches in the women's W.A.A. A badminton tournament was sponsored dormitories. with participants from each class. At the close of the volleyball and softball sea- The W.A.A. Board selects honorary hockey, sons, a cup will be awarded the class having the volleyball, and basketball teams on the basis of highest number of points to its credit - points skill, participation and responsibility. In bad- being determined by the number of wins, losses minton, a school champion is determined-the and ties, and by the percentage of participation. 86
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