Page 86 - YB1954
P. 86
Kneel~ng: E. Findley, B. ~itek, D. Tankersley, D. Moylan, D. Linton (Co·Capt.), N. Gwynn (Co-Capt.) , A. Tafuri, D. SeIbel! R. Etzler. Standing: P. Uhrig (Coach), D. Wood, H. Taitt, C. Luttrell, D. Kohl, D. Harmon, S. Entwistle, B. Radcliffe, A. Hagenbuch, F. Robey, D. Maxwell, S. Reed, R. Davis, B. Crush, P. Lambertson (Manager). SOCCER SUCCESS! ! On Homecoming Day the Varsity had its Coach Phil Uhrig's booters enjoyed their finest hands full, defeating a tough group of Alumni season in years, climaxed by the appointment of 3-1. A well-conditioned Alumni team might have Senior fullback and co-captain Dick Linton to beaten Coach Uhrig's men. All-American honors. Linton, Senior co-captain At Delaware, the head work of Harmon and Nick Gwynn, and Freshman Denny Harmon were the foot work of Tankersley and Seibel proved All-Conference choices. too much for the Mud Hens, who went down to This year's team indicated through all its defeat 3-1. games a tremendous desire to win. Those con- Seven inches of snow called a halt to the Buck- nected with the squad were thrilled by the boys' nell game. Cancelled. spirit of "do or die". W.M.C. was well repre- The last three games of the season were sented in every contest. heartbreakers for the Green and Gold. At Gettys- The Green team started the season off on the burg the game was undecided until the final right foot by journeying to Baltimore and defeat- period. The anticipated slaughter never came ing Loyola 2-1. Coming from behind, the Ter- about. The contest was more or less mild in rors pulled the game out of the fire in the last comparison to last year's. Johns Hopkins set half. The head and foot work of Denny Har- the Terrors back in an exciting game-the Blue mon accounted for both goals. Jays coming up with the clincher in the last In Philadelphia, the confident Green and Gold few minutes of play. Al Hagenbuch suffered a faced a fine Drexel Tech club and went down to broken arm in the contest. Failure in attempting defeat 6-4. The backfield of goalie Bob Crush, a penalty kick with the score 2-all kept the Uhrig fullbacks Roy Etzler and Dick Linton, and half- squad from taking the lead. Final score 4·2. backs Ray Davis, Nick Gwynn and Al Hagen- Henry Taitt scored his first goal in a Western buch played a great game. All-American "Red" Maryland uniform. Schmitz of Drexel found it unbelievable that Overall record: W.M.C. refused to give up. 4 wins, 6 losses. Returning home, the booters dropped a tough Terrors outscored, 25-21. Denny Harmon game to Baltimore U., 4-3. Line play was excel- led scorers with 12 goals. lent. A couple of fluke goals won for B.U. 2 graduating Seniors-Gwynn and Linton, Next the Terrors opposed Georgetown and won who played consistent ball all season. handily, 3-1. Two wins, two to go. Orchids: to Dick Linton for making All-Ameri- At Franklin & Marshall, W.M.C. ran into can honors; to Nick Gwynn and Denny Har- fierce, driving rain and a fairly good Diplomat mon for All-Conference honors; to the team. Rain, mud and some tough luck proved Terror team itself, and to Coach Phil Uhrig a disadvantage to the visitors who lost 4-0. for a high-spirited season. 84
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