Page 94 - YB1954
P. 94
Company A Those students designated as Disting~is~ed The practical experience of the cadet is gained Military Students may apply for a comrmssion at summer camp which he attends between his in the Regular Army. This year Arnold Hay- junior and senior years. This year the cadets had ward applied for and received an appointment six weeks of intensified training at Fort George to the Regular Army by the Department of the G. Meade. Infantry Airborne troops trained the Army. men and the hustle of the Paratroopers kept During the first two years the cadet studies them going at a steady rate at all times. map reading, rifle marksmanship, first aid, The cadets from W_M.C. made up the fourth organization of units, and assembly-disassembly platoon of "A" Company at camp and compiled of the various Army weapons. If the cadet is a record of which any unit would be proud. selected to continue into the advanced course, There have been numerous extra-curricular he studies tactics, transportation., communica- activities in the Cadet Corps this year. At the tions, gunnery, supply, teaching methods, and Homecoming celebration, the Homecoming troop movements. Company B
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