Page 44 - YB1954
P. 44
JOYCE LYNN MAcLAREN 27 St. Paul's Road, Ardmore, Pennsylvania English; Education F.T.A. 4; Sigma Sigma Tau; Junior Follies. "Jerce" ... Transfer from University of Pennsylvania ... Ardent follower of Father Divine-known to the faithful as Little Sister Broken Wings . . . Golfer? ... "Hey, did I get any mail?" . . . Stand by for a gab fest ... "Seriously now" ... Knows more about Mexico than any other student teacher in captivity. ALMA JOSEPHINE McKELDIN 3U3 Belleview Avenue, Cheverly, Maryland Sociology Argonauts 3, 4 (Vice-President 4); Women's Glee Club 2, 3; Beta Beta Beta 3, 4; College Choir 3, 4; Carroll Club 2, 3, 4; Sigma Sigma Tau. Dawson's side kick ... Has that wonderful bedside manner ... TV fan of Margaret and Earl's ... Shakes a wicked thermometer and peddles pills in Baltimore on weekends "If I give you some of this will you promise to gargle with it" Exclaims "holy cow" in moments of stress ... Sleeps in class and still pulls an "A" ... After graduation she'll sooth fevered brows as a public health nurse. DEBORAH BRIDGES MEYLS 12 Beechdale Road, Baltimore, Maryland Philosophy Phi Alpha Mu (Intersorority Representative 4); Homecoming Queen 4; Alpha Kappa Alpha 4. "Debbie" ... A transfer from Hollins in Virginia ... Proud pos- sessor of green convertible ... Believes "diamonds are a gal's best friend" ... Summer schooled at W.M.C. ... Florida claims her at Christmas vacations ... The Homecoming Queen with the beautiful long hair.
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