Page 40 - YB1954
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JANE CAMPBELL HUTCHISON 2901 78th Avenue, Washington 28, D. C. Art Phi Alpha Mu; College Players 3, 4; Argonauts 2, 3, 4; Beta Beta Beta 1, 2, 3 (Publicity Chairman 3); College Little Symphony Or- chestra 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1,2; Class Secretary 3; Junior Follies Director 3; ALOHA (Editor-in-chief 4); Who's Who. "Hutch" ... Has longest pony tail in captivity ... Sarcastic come- back for any situation ... The Lady of Larkspur Lotion ... Sister to Harvey's friend ... Unsolved mystery of seventh semester: who locked the practice teacher in the closet? ... Favorite bedtime attire is union suit ... "Down with the Methodists." DONALD FREDERICK JAMES 4106 Bellegrove Road, Baltimore, Maryland Economics Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 3, 4; Intra- mural Softball 4; Delta Pi Alpha. "Whitey the Polar Bear" ... Maryland's loss and Western Mary- land's gain ... Immovable terror tackle ... Half of the largest roommate set on campus ... Contemplates marriage ... Talented song and dance man of the Junior Follies ... Terror of the Preacher pledges. SHIRLEY ANNE JEFFRElJ. 2804 Roselawn Avenue, Baltimore 14, Maryland Home Economics Iota Gamma Chi (Historian 4); Women's Glee Club 1, 2,3; Bad- minton 1, 2, 3; [unior Follies; French Club 1; Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4; W.A.A.1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1; Baptist Student Union 4. Dangerous to get her talking-about her life or most anything ... A "hoose" gal ... On a constant diet to gain weight ... A faithful Iota who typed long and hard on the sorority yearbook ... Has a gallery of pictures of her two nieces ... Absent-minded, she writes notes to herself ... W.M.C.'s continental traveler. 38
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