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i HOWARD GORMAN JORDAN Sykesville, Maryland Political Science Pi Alpha Alpha (Alpha 4); Interfraternity Council 4 (President 4); Social Activities Committee 4; Business Manager of the ALOHA 4. "Lou" ... W.M.C. Labor Problems Scholar ... Efficient prexy of the Black and Whites ... Has a smile like a Cheshire cat ... But always has a sneaky look on his face in a photo-look at that informal A veteran ... Known around campus as "The Old Man" Constant dean's lister. JOAN LUCILE KELLOGG 5ยท15 Heights Road, Ridgewood, New Jersey English French Club 1, 2; Classics Club 3; Women's Glee Club 1; II ockey 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1, 2, 4 (Manager 3); Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Badminton 1, 2; Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf Manager 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4 (Co.captain 4); W.A.A. 3, 4; Phi Alpha Mu (Social Chair- man 4); Junior Follies. "Kelly" alias "der Mouse" ... Oh, how she can harmonize-spe- cializes on "Now the Day is Over" ... Gained notoriety as the other half of a couple of swells ... Gave up eating when she began sup- porting a horse ... Tonsorial expert who occasionally snips off ear- lobes ... Learned the words to H.ockabye Boogie by listening to it forty-six times in succession ... Whiskey voice. EDWARD JOSEPH KELLY 306 Seamen Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey Physical Education Delta Pi Alpha (Sergeant-at-arms 4); Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; intra-mural Sports 2, 3, 4. "Bulldog" . . . Determination in person . . . Mainstay of Charley Havens' gridders-plays any position well ... Happy go lucky ... Faithful Preacher with uncanny shot on basketball court ... Once got into the ring for adventure, threw punches like a machine gun ... The fright of pledges ... Be Nice to Kelly Week ... Wields a mean paddle ... Staunch defender of Sunday night football fans ... "To Heck With Common Courtesy Night" ... Horse laugh.
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