Page 47 - YB1954
P. 47
WILLIAM HENRY PFEIFER 404 S. Conkling Street, Baltimore, Maryland Physical Education; Mathematics Baseball 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; French Club 1; Class Vice- President 3; Intramural Football 3, 4; Delta Pi Alpha (Corre- sponding Secretary 3, Treasurer 3, President 4); F_T.A. 3, 4 (President 4); Interfraternity Council 4 (Treasurer 4); Junior Follies. "Willie" ... Preacher prexy ... "Talker" cum loudy ... Winning smile for all ... Led Boyer's boys in batting in his sophomore year · .. Aspiration towards coaching ... "Listen, buster" _ .. The other half of the Bobbsey Twins ... Frustrated golfer ... Phys.ved, man deluxe. DOROTHY JANE PHILLIPS 529 Cynwyd Circle, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania Sociology; Education Iota Gamma Chi (Lruersorority 'Council 3); S.C.A. Cabinet (Social Responsibilities Commission Co-chairman 4); F.T.A. 4; Women's Glee Club 1. "Dottie" ... "Oh, he loves me" Commutes to Washington weekly · .. Mail sorter from way back Member of the white coat crew · .. Worked (?) at Mon trose for her summer vacation _ .. Five feet two, eyes of blue ... Has her stake in the Quaker State ... Quick switch into the education department. MARY BARBARA PLASKET 38 Pancoast Boulevard, Riverside, New Jersey Sociology S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Commission Chairman 4).; Sigma Sigma Tau (Sun- shine Messenger 2, Intersorority Representative 3); Sunday School Choir 3; S.G.A. 4 (Social Activities Committee-Secretary 4); House Council 4; House President 4; Junior Follies. "Bobbie" ... Valiant supporter of the U.S. Mail Service ... The face at the door at ten ... Served a four year term in the dining hall ... Will receive MRS degree in the fall . . . Which twin has the preacher?
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