Page 39 - YB1954
P. 39
DAVID HOTTENSTEIN, JR. 908 Crescent Drive, Alexandria, Virginia Economics Freshman Football Manager 1; Camera Club 1,2; Men's Glee Club 2,3. Referred to as "The Hott" ... Only boy on campus with a metallic grin ... With his army background he really enjoyed summer camp ... Partial to Hudson automobiles ... Proud possessor of Don Juan in Hell records. FREDERICK W. HUBACH 582 Delafield Avenue, Staten Island 10, New York Pre-Med Gamma Beta Chi (President 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4); Interfraternity Council 3 (Secretary 4); Rifle Team 1, 2, 3 (Captain 4); French Club 1,2; Tri Beta 2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Follies; Intramural Athletics; R.O.T.G. Co. Commander. "Fred" The Fat Man ... Illustrious president of the Gamma Betes Hard worker who does his best at every job he undertakes ... Stood high in frat ping pong competition ... A staunch sup- porter of Dean Schofield ... Plans on Medical school after gradua- tion. GEORGE ALFRED HUBBARD 1903 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore 13, Maryland English Hardworking transfer from Baltimore Junior College ... Recrea- tional director in Baltimore ... Firm believer in the superiority of the human male ... "Thought I'd flip" ... Drama critic and a book collector ... Looks forward to a teaching job after graduation.
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