Page 49 - YB1954
P. 49
JOSEPH VINCENT JOHN RAVENIS, II 4007 Lyndale Avenue, Baltimore 13, Maryland Mathematics; Physics Delta Pi Alpha; Wrestling Team 1, 2, 3; GOLD BUG 1, 2; F.T.A. 4; Carroll Club 1, 2, 3, 4; J. V. Football 1, 2, 4; Fraternity Sports. "Jose" ... "Gaylord" ... Headed for J.H.D. graduate school ... Co-founder of Memorial Day Classic Entertainer at Preacher parties ... Intra-mural competitor Tossed his weight around as a WMC wrestler Recalled from inactive list to help Coach Rudy's football squad Agitator deluxe when he can get under one's skin ... Bulldog's roommate. WELDON NORWOOD REED 201 Shaeffer Avenue, Westminster, Maryland Biology Pershing Rifles 1, 2; Drill Team 1; Tri-Beta 2, 3, 4; Pi Alpha Alpha. Hails from Hampstead, Maryland-now living in Vetville, West- minster Served as an artilleryman in France during World War II Happily married and the proud father of two daughters ... An enthusiastic Biology major with the accent on bacteriology ... Gives his daughter a taste of college life by visits to the grille. ROBERT L. RICKER State Road, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania Biology' Football 1; Delta Pi Alpha; Beta Beta Beta. "Rick" ... Waynesboro's gift to W.M.C .... Loyal Preacher ... Bio. major; future horse doctor ... His silly and uncontrollable giggle can be heard all over Ward Hall ... Avid squirrel hunter, in season-cooks them over a hot plate . . . A friendly word for all ... "Wake me up, I've got to study." 47
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