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JOHN HENRY HASLIP 2904 Powell Avenue, Pennsauken, New Jersey Chemistry Alpha Gamma Tau (Secretary 4); Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Basketball 1; GOLD BUG 3; Junior Follies; Band 1, 2. "Stretch" ... The epitome of height-6'6" ... Grew an inch in four years on the Hill ... Fought battle of football room, won ... Stal- wart tackle on frosh football squad ... "New Jersey's the greatest!" . . . Can't settle down with one girl-usual "steadies" last three months ... Should be great basketball player, but-ยท. DONALD DAVID HAUT III West 6 Street, New Castle, Delaware Pre-Med. Canterbury Club 1; French Club 1, 2; Gamma Beta Chi (Treasurer 4); Argonauts 3,4; Men's Glee Club 2; Pershing Rifles 2; Tri Beta 3; S.G.A. (Junior Class Representative). "Nappy" Sunburns and blushes ... Dislikes summer camp ser- geants Member of Gamma Gamma ... Gamma Beta Chi ... Substitutes as Treasurer of S.G.A New Castle's gift to Western Maryland ... Studies long and hard in preparation for life among the cadavers after graduation. ARNOLD HAYWARD 4 Irwin Place, Trenton, New Jersey Psychology S.G.A.4 (President 4); Pi Alpha Alpha (Delta 3); Tri Beta 2, 3; Men's Glee Club (Accompanist 1, 2, 3); S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Junior Follies; Who's Who. "Wayward Hayward" ... Won S.G.A. Presidency as the dark horse ... Shining light of the Campus Capers who plays everything from Chopin to pops ... A Black and White ping pong player ... House director of three white mice in McKinstry Tower ... Judging by his college career his future life will be a big success. 34
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