Page 38 - YB1954
P. 38
MIRIAM RUTH HON 4706 Elmhirst Lane, Bethesda 14, Maryland English; Education Phi Alpha Mu; F.T.A. 3, 4; French Club 1; Junior Follies; ALOHA (Copy Editor 4). "Mim" ... Long blonde hair and big blue eyes . . . Will always remember the summers in Ocean City . . . One of those English. Education majors Proud owner of a Preacher jacket ... "Where's Ann?" The original Doctor Quackinguts ... Federal Reserve bank An authority on everything from Shakespeare to stock-cars, DONALD HOWARD HOROWITZ 2611 Park Heights Terrace, Baltimore, Maryland Political Science College Players 3, 4; Pi Alpha Alpha. "He isn't much in a crowd but when you get him alone he's hor- rible" Thinks dining hall food is first rate Monotone singing voice Can usually be found in the shower Transfer from Baltimore Junior College ... Plans on Law school after graduation. DA VID BARNABAS HORTON Village Lane, Orient, Long Island, New York Economics Dave ... Comes from the Orient-Long Island, that is ... Excellent piano player with a flair for Chopin ... Carries on a running battle over practice rooms ... Avoided cards for three years-then became a hearts fan as a senior ... Favorite expression is unprintable ... Also unspellable as it's usually said in Polish ... Incurable habit of taking first period econ. third period.
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