Page 33 - YB1954
P. 33
I CARVILLE MOFFATT DOWNES Liberty Road, Randallstown, Maryland Political Science Lacrosse 1, 3, 4; Football Manager 2, 3, 4; Gamma Beta Chi (Beta Pi 4, President 4). "Luski" ... Found touch football a dangerous sport ... Plays chauffeur in the Green Beetle ... One of the original playboys ... Leaves a brother behind to carryon the Downes tradition ... Hangs around with Harvey's friend . . . Law school awaits him after graduation. DONALD ELWOOD ERB R.D. No.1, Taneytown, Maryland Physics Dayhop from vicinity of Big Pipe Creek ... Drives a yellow Packard ... Future mechanical engineer ... Has more quality points than Carter has liver pills ... Also sports Pipefitter's Union card. ARTHUR DALE GERNAND Thurmont, Maryland History Gamma Beta Chi; Pershing Rifles; Officers' Club. "Art" ... Proud owner of a boa constrictor Whiles away the summer milking snakes ... "Let's get with it!" "Ever hear about the Westminster fire chief?" ... Hunts and fishes occasionally ... Ask him how to get to Reisterstown ... Won the D.M.S. in military science. I
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