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Who's Who Each year a group of students are selected by ment Aescciation, the Student Christian Associe the Student Activities CommiUee to be included rion, campus publications, athletics, honorary ill the publication Who's WAo ill Amer':COII. Col societies, and sororities and fraternities are leges {HId Ilaiuersities, This selection is based on among the uctivities in which these nominees an evaluation of their college life with considera- have participated. tion for character, scholarship, leadership in [n the Who's Wh.o will appear n extracurricular activities, citizenship, and their biographical sketch potential ubilities as contributors to society. This describing their nccornplisluucnts, abilities and year the eleven students chosen were; Stuart interests. Thoy have access to the organization's Abrahams, Ashby Collins, Neil Hughes, Jane placement bureau, which lumishes recommends- Mcf.ecd, Carolyn Mangels, Jnmes Moore, Karin tions to employers and graduate schools, and the Nowack, Michael Bentko, Beverly Rye, Carroll honor is culminated by the privilege ()f wearing: Warner, and CsteHe Zies. The Student CoverĀ». the honorary key. ihhhy CQllins Estetl" L:ic~ 73
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