Page 76 - YB1953
P. 76
Senior Class Webster undoubtedly has an excellent dcfi- school. As we indulge in backward glances, we nitiou of the word "commencement", but to each begin to realize that the little things suddenly of us it srmbolizes 11 great many more things seem rather important, having helped to make us than a dictionary allows. It is the culmination what we are today. There are oertain things thut of a memory-or rather, (I scattered group of none of us will forget: our first tussle with memories-differing with each of us, but alike exams, the dance to which we were never invited, in that they mean Western Mnryland. twenty-four hour term papers, the first pin and We started out like every other freshman class. perhaps the return of the same, the daily ses- Hewiidermcnt seemed the predominant factor, sions in the Grille where coffee and weighty replaced by the sophomoric ahility to be an problems mingled freely, the fraternity and sor- authority 011 anything from love to physics. ority functions, serenading the girls' dorms, and Wheu we reached our junior year, we looked a multitude of other factors which personify a around and discovered that there were quite a number of things thaL we didn't know or corn- period known as "college". preheud ; we were willing [a learn and Western Through our work, our participation in extra- Maryland complied by helping to teach us. curricular activities {whether it was football or Now that we have passed through the various dramatic art), and the friendships we have made, "high water" points and have survived the daily, we have developed into young adults. To West- weekly or annual crises, we look back witb .1 ern Maryland we extend our thanks as we sa)" feeling of pride, not only ill ourselves but in our "Farewell".
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