Page 80 - YB1953
P. 80
Junior Class September, 1952. . the sadder (though not most of us managed La survive Homecoming, the necessarily wised Class of '54 carne ~traggling Christmas festivities, the flu epidemic, exam week hack from Ocean Cily to reconvene once again nnd the dining hall's Lenten cuisine still having in the ivied halls of the College Grille. Morale enough reserve strength to produce the Junior was at a nell' all-lime 1011'. Here we were, facing Plays, the Follies, and the Prom. Having done II'hHI promised to be the mostmiserahle year yet, our hit, we sat back to wutch with interest the with half Of our peer group missing, and coffee remaining a(;Livities of the college yenrc-c Ma y at ten cents a cup. The situation looked pretty Day, Rose Cup, Lantern Chain, Dean Howery's hopeless, but inside of a couple of weeks, having changed uur majors on an average of [OUf limes, annual series of educational talks 011 the Art of sub-let uur post office boxes 10 freshmen, and Public Courtship, and so 011. And finally, having stocked up for the winter on playing cards, pea hid fond farewells to the departing Seniors, we nul buller and the other necessities, things began packed our respective suitcases and took the next sell ling down to normal. Somehow or 01 her, bus for Ucean City.
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