Page 73 - YB1953
P. 73
HOBERT HI\MPTON WINFREY Della Pi Alpha. (Vice-Della 4). former Marine with no more service worries Never sleeps more than four hours a night. . Knows every cow in the country by its first name .. Attended college since 1945. . Developed a deep appreciation for music and its counterparts . Has a luture to he envied, with ability and confidence to spare. BARBARA ANNE WINTERS Phi Alpha u« 2, 3, 4 (Chaplain 3, 4); Glee aa. 1, 2; L.S.A. 3: Canterbury Clnb 4: F.T.A. 3, 4; ALOIIA 3, If.; College Players 4; "Barbs" "l'm losing my sleep!" Frequent sa lmies to art lab ... Joined the league of Along Came Billers ... Appreciative of jokes. especially her 011'11 Enjoys a liule game of nip-end-tuck "Come up and see Illy etchings sometime" Ardent Phi-Dolt . Stray pennies go into silverware fund "Guess what Miss Shipley said today." Phi Alpha iHn 2, 1,2,3,4 (Secrel.ary-Treasllrer 3, Presi- dent 4); S.C.A. School; F.T.A. 3, 4; Glee Club 2,3; Arts Syrnposilun I, 2; Follies. "Hiffer" . Captain of the Might)' Mouse Club ... "Did [ ever tell yOll about Fifi?" Brings back tan and tales from Ocean City. Provides entcrtaiumeut for the fourth floor eight . Hcuown for brownie shipments Irom home ... Muster of the uke . Nylon hair Creal things come in small packages. And down at the 1.00. 73
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