Page 82 - YB1953
P. 82
Sophomore Class We, the members of the Class of '55, are now decorated the busses bound for games; at Christ- halfway through our college career. four semes- mas we helped fashion the rec hall ill the Holiday ters have elapsed since we were bewildered fresh. spirit; and in the spring we served as hosts and men, and we think that we've contributed much guided visitors through oUI Male mem- to WMC since then. bers of our class suddenly themselves Returning in the fall as wise old sophomores, called upon to provide leadership ill winter we eagerly displayed our extracurricular wisdom ROTC drill. La our "little brothers and sisters". We liked Be brought new faces into the Homecoming the Ireshmeu so well thaL we let them will the and May Courts, suggesting the Iar-reaching pul- tug-ct.war at Homecoming. We are proud of the chritude of our group. We raised money by members of our class who made fine showings on selling programs at home football games. the varsity Football, basketball, wrestling, base- Being sophomores hasn't been easy. \Ve miss ball and lacrosse teams. runny friends from our freshmen days; we found Besides scoring in athletics we look active part in other college functions. We joined fraternities classes and studies more than a "lillie" harder; (Inc! sororities; participated in the work or the unci the traditional "sophomore slump" wasn't S.C.A., S.C.A., the CoLd Bng, etc., and displayed always easy to overcome. However, we are proud our talent in both music and drama. During foot- of our accomplishments and hope to make the ball season, we sponsored severnl pep rallies and last half of our college life even better.
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