Page 74 - YB1953
P. 74
JOHN MATHIAS WOLFE, JR. "Wolfie" Veteran of two wars, action in nOIlC . Laughs at anything ... Sports a crew cut Never in a dull moon. Feels a diamond is the best cure for illness Prefers summer school. Can't believe he's actually graduating .. Plans to pave his future with the opportunities offered ill the business world. MARY ESTELLE ZIES S.C.A. 3,4; Phi A!pha Mu. 2, 3, 4 (President 4); traer- cu; Cluh 2, 3; Orchestra 2; Classics aa.ยป, 2; College Pfayer,~ 4; Basketball 2. "Essie" ... Fatuous for her cant of many colors. "Meanwhile, over in In-din" .. "I'll turn out the light in a minute, Sally" .. English major with a yen for Makosky courses .. "Yep, another conference this weekend" . Busy Phi Alph prexy Harvey's "Skip" " Active in S.C.A. Ardent Phi-Doh. Camera Shy GEORGE ANTOl\'IOS ANTONAS JAMES JOSEPH ROACH Alpha Camma Tau; FOOI.b(l/l 3, 4; Basketball 3. l unlor Follies; Della Pi Alpha. "The Colden Creek" ... Transfer from Bahi- No, that voice you hear isn't Arthur Codfrey. more Jr. College ... Cood sense of humor .. it's just Jim. Announcer on Hoffa's P.A. Outstanding ability with a plug-pong h(lll . Wit off by distinctive Boston accent. Always certain of a good meal. Major Whitfield, minor in term paper col- lateral. "Nice guy!" ... Always on stage .. All around great philosophy, likes people .lA)\'IES CLf\I{ENCE BUTrs Wary of free-lance wrestling . Camilla Beta Chi (Sergeant-at.Anns 4); 1111/,(1' TROY MITCHELL TODD mural Alldel_ics 3, 4. Jim ... Econ. major Transfer from Hegers- Comma fiela Chi: Tri-Besa. town J.e ... Three year hitch in the Army ... Started college career nt WMC in '43 ... Spent Ccmmn Bet bartender . The old man of the some time ill the service. . Extensive travel frat . Constant battle with Peck to become experience. Active mind with ability to make ping. pong King. Couldn't understand Spanish high grades. A version to labs.. Frankness spoken with Cerman accent .. To marry Helen with a (It-y sense of humor". . Uses milk for after graduation in February. medicinal purposes. 74
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