Page 22 - YB1952
P. 22
EDW ARD EARLY I.R.C, president 4; ALOHA 4; Canterbury Club 3, 4; Choir 3, 4 Hard working LRC. prexy who's "gleefully" doubled as formidable Green Terror for all W.M.C. occasions faithful tenor in choir, except when busy being "faithful" elsewhere}! . has devoted black Plymouth that runs on empty 'cause ir "wouldn't dare stop!" originitlly a Baltimorean, but now has strong preference for Southern Maryland something to do with a diamond and it June wedding "I was tripped" JAMES EDWIN ELINE, JR. "Cncn" the pride of Reisterstown ... mainstay of the Bachelor athletic reams major in Econ tried [Q bribe his way into the Naval Academy known for mysterious trips to "Hel'n'back" highly spirited on and off campus. . a likeable and true friend can't tell a cloud from a lake-without glasses "Let's have a party!" ROLAND EDWARD FLEISCHER secretary The Baltimore gifted art major with a winning combina. rion of both sense and nonsense ... an animated joke book Army veteran one of Delong's talented tenors (strained bass) revels in the poetry of T. S. Eliot. headlining half-back on soccer ream celebrated connoisseur of feminine pulchritude "One of these days I'll win an election." MA YN ARD LLOYD FONES Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4; Football 7, i, 3 "Eggy" lovable and laughable economics major hails from WashingtOn fraternity international "Bring me giants" .. loyal member of the Wednesday Club frequently seen on the golf course>? "Let's Florida" known to all boy's dorms for his famous "red and cheese, ice cold cokes and ice cream in all flavors" horses and Poe. . Quoth the raven- 'nevermore" remembered by all as Fabulous Fo-nes.
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