Page 108 - YB1952
P. 108
Lell 10 right: (_ Schofield, N. HUJ;hes, B. Summers. BADMINTON The air was filled with birdies as the girls once the sophomore class, and Caner Bourn for the again matched their talents with other badminton freshman class, who defeated all the class cham- enthusiasts. The competition was the keenest ever pions, thus gaining extra points roward the athle- shown when the roumamenr got under way, and tic cup for her class. The season was quite :1 suc- coming through with final victory were Corinne cessful one and it concluded by W. M. C. wking Schofield for the senior class, Nell Hughes for the over the badminton honors at the Hood College Junior class, both repcarisrs, Bobbie Summer for Spores Day at Frederick VOLLEYBALL Point! Side alit! Lose serve! Yes, volleyball An honorary learn was elected, choosing pl:tyers again took its place this year among inrramuml from all of the classes. sports, with the Freshman A team being champ- The eagerness and good sportsmanlike conduct ions of the season. helped greatly in making this season an enjoyable 104
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