Page 107 - YB1952
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HOCKEY Again this year the girls braved the long, cold, School in Baltimore. At this time AI! American windy walk out ro the hockey field and showed hockey players demonstrated various skills which that they had mastered the skillful use of a stick were followed by scrimmages. W.M.C met Friends Those Freshmen who had never played this fav- School of Baltimore and Towson State Teachers ored spOrt of ours quickly gOt into the swing of College. An All Star team was chosen after all things nnd achieved good snckwork. Participation the games had been played which tangled wirh was excellent and the first few practices were spent the All Baltimore ream. Barbara Davison gained drilling tackles and other skills. The intramural the honor of filling rhe right halfback position on rournarnenr culminated with [he Junior class cap- the All Stars. turing the championship. The lady Terrors downed Mt. St. Agnes College Our extramural season opened on October 27 5ยท0 and closed the season with Notre Dame Col- when eighteen players journeyed to the Baltimore lege in a l-L tussle. Field Hockey Association Play Day at Bryn Mawr 103
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