Page 104 - YB1952
P. 104
Tonnelson. A. bersrein, H. Coach. TENNIS GOLF With veterans of [our years the persons of Phil Sack, Bobby The 1952 golf senson should be II good one for Brown and only Mernl Trader Dr. Huber and his charges. With returning vet- squad returning for play, Coach eran lettermen in the persons of Ed Coffm:m. ,going to find himself faced with \I number one man lasr year, followed by Ward in the 1952 season. From lnsr Coach Hurt has Pat Huddle, Art Glasby, Don Makosky, Paul Welliver, and Bob Al Tonnelson Steelman in their playing order during the 1951 However, the outlook is not entirely dim season, on hand again for another turf Al are several promising freshmen who have Trevethan, Jim Marshall, and Maynard will cast aspirations to play the game. These make themselves felt on [he links. Number six Henry Tnir, Ray Davis, and Chuck Silberstein In the past several years, (he W.M. tennis squad has position will be body contended for bur finished in the first division in Mason-Dixon com- of the choice, W.M.C. should be hard to petition and has always made a creditable showing the l 8 hole sparr. Keeping in mind that lase whether winning or losing. So we know that the season, the Huberrnen won 6 out of 14 matches, 1952 season will be no exception for the Hur tmen [he dubs should really be swinging this April SCHEDULE April 1 Towson AW;lY April 3 ML SL Mary's Away SCHEOULE April 8 Washingmo College Home Home April 11 Albright Home April 12 Geo. Washington Home 16 U. Home April 18 Catholic U, Home April 18 Dickinson Away April 22 Loyola Home April 22 Hopkins Home April 25 Penn State Home April 29 George Washington Away April 26 Hopkins Home May 1 Catholic U. Away May 1 Loyola May 3 American U. Away May 5 Gettysburg May 5 Loyola Away May 9 Maryland Home May 7 Hopkins Away May LO Mid Atlantic Away May 9 American U. Home May 12 Mason Dixon Away Baltimore May 10 Dickinson Away May 16 Lehigh Home May 12 Gettysburg Away May 14 Delaware Home May 17 Western Md. lnvimrionnl Home Lelt to righl: B. Steelman, j. Mar- ~haJl,D. Hill, E. Coffman. M. Fones, A. Trevethan. D. PhiJlip~. W. Glasby, P. Welliver, M. Huber, Coach
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