Page 105 - YB1952
P. 105
fir,/ rOw: B M, Brodie, T Eline, D. Rhoads row: J_ Haller, M PltP~ INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL It was Alpha Gamma Tau with fine teamwork This year again it was Delta Pi rhnr came and stellar defense that rolled to the lnrramurnl Out on {OP in the Intramural League Football this A surprisingly The "Preachers", winning ten straight for an un- second, with defeated season, had a highly geared offense and the "Preachers", hun through graduation, finishing a very strong bench, The Bachelors fought g~mcly third and rhe Gamma Bets coming in last. The to finish second, with the Black and Whites third "Bachelors" were ably coached by Lefty Kaufman and the Gamma Bets fourth. The Seminary, nl- and Joe Deering and Jack Urion were standouts. though vastly improved, were still in the cellar. Fir" row: P. Pcshkoff, B. Rudisill, Rave nis, M_ Rcntko, P. Rogan, D_ Scon. row; R_ Stevenson, R. Carvell, R. Hccksrein IOL
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