Page 101 - YB1952
P. 101
WRESTLING WRESTLING SCHEDULE !952 stbiliries for the 145 pounders. Bill Br-ill is the !57'er, and completing the heavyweight class is Franklin and Marshall December 14 Ray Paby, who is student coach this year, and - Baltimore University January II either Jack Duhl or Jim Marsh in the unlimited Gallaudet. . Jflfluary 19 class. Coach Ray Faby will not mnke tOO daring Loyola a prediction for his crew but lip to date the wrestl- ing squad has shown porenrialiries through expe- rience and rrnining, Art Shanklin, wrestling in Murch I tile 165 pound POSt has possibilities of winning the Mason-Dixon Championship if he can get by The 195 I-52 wrestling [cam is an inexperienced the Gnllaudec match, also the only other veteran, group of wrestlers with plenty of guts, heart, and Jack Rail, who nlremares with Levay, should win love for the sport. Wrestling in the 123 pound the majority of his matches. The wrestling team class is George Daviglcs, the South American of '52 m:ly not set the world on fire but in build- terror; a freshman, Paul Trimble, takes care of the ing a team composed of freshmen and sophomores 135 pound class; Jim Levay has tremendous pos- this year, they are building for the future. Finl row: D. Preston, ). Levay, B. Br;ll, G. Daviglus. Sera",! rOil': J. Mallonee. A. Shanklin, J, Duhl, R. Faby, Rl3imesrefcr. 97
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