Page 100 - YB1952
P. 100
SOCCER Western 1951 soccer team, coached and W,M. considered the 1-1 tie pnlCtically a again by Mr. Uhrig after a absence, VICtOry started working out the kinks a few days Their winning ways were short lived however, before the first semester began toughest because a series of defeats kept slapping at the schedule ever planned for a Western Maryland heart and spirit of the team, but never once did soccer team faced Mr. Uhrig with a green, inex- (lOy of them up. Even after such defeats as perienced team dotted with a few returning let- 5-0 at the of F. and M; 2·0 to Hopkins; 4-0 to 4·1 to Bucknell; 7·0 to the con- Navy was rhe first foe, and with some ourstand- ing freshmen filling the lineup for our Terror team, power and experience proved tOO much as they triumphed 6·0. The team next entertained Drexel Tech here and still couldn't get into [he but went down gamely 5·0. to on October l j rh, the younger, inexperienced Terror team wen r rated us one of the East's best teams down agin-this time 4-0. Bur still after three After one of the hardest fought soccer ganlCS such decisive defeats the Green team did nor reo ever witnessed on The Hill, W, M.~rhe team main discouraged and showed this spirit by rravel that had a record of nine defeats and one tie to ing to WashingtOn College determined to take teams of much lesser talent and skill-c-emetged a this first conference game. Washington College 1-0 victor over La Salle. There it was, the victory scored early in the game on a shot that that all season was lacking. Not a good record crazily past the outstretched fingertips of to the least but all at W. M. feel that 1951 Chuck Hammaker. For rwo more quarters the year for the soccer teams battled hard for another score. Then in the but four persons graduating and fourrh quarter-u promising fresljinan Roy Davis, or 14 lerrermcn returning, 19')2 produce a playing center forward, boomed in W.M."s first winning team. The experience which was lacking soccer goal of the season. For tWO overtime five has been replaced by knowledge, skill, and know- minute periods [he stalemate couldn't be broken how. Good Luck to (he '52 soccer team 96
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