Page 97 - YB1952
P. 97
In the fourth game, the Terrors traveled to Carl- isle, Pa. to visit the Dickinson team on Dec. 12. But in this fracas the hosts went down under the Green quinrers improved offensive percentage. It was a rough barrle all the way-bur W.M. was on rep of a 74~70 score. The record now stood ~t 3 losses-l Win and the boys were ready for their first conference game with American University For rhe first time in some years Western Mary- land was employing a zone defense of rhe 2-2-1 variery which could be quickly shifted to a 2-1-2 if [he occasion called for such a shift. The de- fensive tactics seemed to payoff in the Dickinson game and all were anxious [Q see it in action against Conference foes. The last p:e-Christmas game scheduled with American University was postponed because of a sudden snowsrorm so that the Terror quinter went home wirh their 1-3 record. Perfect Form The next conference test in Gym and found a mll, young Baltimore team ready to wrest a victory, from the home squad. In this game B.U."s height was to spell out the difference, bur Big Chuck Hammaker surprisingly controlled both boards while his teammates Press and Han helped the offensive end by hitting for 21 and 19 Two evenings later Washingron College called upon the hill (Q lose the same type of thriller thar tallies respccively. Ernie Makowski.c-crhe Terror's had played his lasr col- W.M. had suffered in Washington. Ir was nor as only February graduarc, college celebrated Ernie The game. legiate close :J game until that deadly third quarrer when Makowski Night since this game marked his finale WashingtOn pulled up within three poinrs of the with the quinter squad. Fnally they scored ahead by one which Wa!t Hart erased with a one-hand In it was now 4-1 and in overall push shot. This one poinr loomed larger each acnvuy It was Starring the second term off second nnd the score ended that way 72-71-a was B.U in a return game at the Baltimore school very close, well deserved, hard fought-for victory on Charles Street. This one also W:1S a thriller for Western Maryland. In this one it was Press W.M. took charge early in the game and until and Hammaker leading the offensive tactics. On the third quarter doiog nicely. Then in that January 21 Mr. St. Mary's played return hose ro 3rd frame B.U fire and with only nine sec- rbe Terrors but the visitors were not the least bir onds remaining up ihe game at 58-58. As polite and demonstrated this by wresrling :J 57-42 the clock was running out Chuck Hammaker tul> victory from the Mountaineers. The scoring In ped in a rebound of Press one-bander to give the this game was spread more evenly between three Green and Gold quint a 60-58 victory. The scor- players-Ernie Makowski, Chuck Hm~maker, and ing honors were spread in this tussle with Press \X1alt Han With 13-12 and J 1 respectively. geuing 19, Hammaker 18, and Hart 15. A good 93
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