Page 98 - YB1952
P. 98
The "Monster Ernie sinh One way to stan a new semester. Could the boys keep 86-61. 7 wins and 7 losses was now the season's up the pace? record-a .500 mark Catholic U visited the Terrors for (I return The previously postponed game with the Amer- ican U. Eagles from Washington, D.C. was next on match and the Green and Gold team was out to the lise A.U. was the winner of the 1950-51 avenge the one point loss suffered in Washington Conference but had lost a lot of veteran players. The game was dose all the way but the host five Score 69-59 with a well earned The first half was a game all the way bur the third four conference games Western Md quaner sir down strike of the Terror quint- in third Only which found American U. ourscoring W.M. 19-4, now stood WashingtOn place in the Towson Hopkins, Loyola College, proved the margin to a victory. W.M. went down remained. Two of these, the first tWO, the Terrors easily after that by a 71-54 score. had beaten at home, but the February Hopkins was the next foe bur proved (0 be n slump in full force as the team lost to fairly easy for the Green team. 65-45 was Hopkins 69-57. Although Han with 20 (he lopsided which sent Hopkins home and Hammaker with 15 tried to stave the with their tails between their legs. Nexc in line Blue Jays, Press rouldnr find the range were the Gettysburg Bullets. Led by Art Press to under 10 points for only rhe third [he Terrors ran up a 24-7 lead and the \0 his college career. Then traveling to game looked like W.M. all but the pace College-again the slumps was toO much for the Terrors the whistle nnd Hammaker, found G-Burg on top 77-57 number four in conference Two nights later Loyola-now leading the con- were now in fifth place-s-our of the ference, visited the Hill. Western Maryland con- division Towson a breather from the tinued their slump by losing to the Greyhounds rough end of :1 Press hit for 29 and 94
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