Page 32 - YB1951
P. 32
Jog Terrors. First blood was drawn by the dorson to Henaldi, but the Dutchmen came right Terrors' shifty back Mitch Tullai on a forty Y\lrd back with their own tally and led at the hall dash. Tullai scored once again in the third qual" 7-6. The Green bounced right back at the begin. ter on a pass from "Skitch" Henderson and cap- ning of the third period with a six pointer by tain Ed Rydzewski made the (Irccn's final tally Tullai 011 a pass from Henderson. In the fourth on an interception. The here-to-fore unbeaten quarter Tullai scored once 1I10re on a double Tigers managed only a single 1'.0. i.11the fourth reverse from 11 yards out. The Terrors allowed quarter as a result of a blocked punt. no further scoring and the final score was WMC The unbeaten Drexel Dragons were the next l.v-Lebanon 7. team to meet the Creen Terrors, and on Novem- Homecoming Dayan November 18 saw the ber 4, at Drexel Field they received their first set Hopkins Blue Jays at Hoffa Field tr-ying to Lack. The lead in this clash changed three times retaliate for last year's 35-7 drubbing. (Ine of before the Ten-ors sewed it up 26·25 with four the largest crowds in Westel'll Maryland's his. minutes left to play. Outstanding in this game tory was on hand to see the Blue Jays go down was Hank Norman, glue-fingered Terror end. to defeat 14-6. During the first two periods of Three of the four Terror tallies were made by play neither team was able to score, both playing Hank who caught impossible passes and who excellent defensive ball. After the colorful half- sparked the team to victory with his "heads-up" time festivities, both teams again took the field. playing. Ira Zepp, the other great WMC end, After seesawing back and forth for the majority scored the final six points for the Green after of the third quarter, Hopkins fumbled on their running around two defenders and over a third. own 20. The Terrors capitalized on this error Paul Tcreshinski's conversions gave the added and a pass from Henderson to Hart put the margin that spelled victory for the Terrors and Creen out in front. Seconds later, however, the the first loss to the Dragons. Jays hit back for six points. The conversion was November 11 brought the Flying Dutchmen of missed and the Terrors held a 7·6 lead. Another Lebanon Valley College to Hoffa Field. The fumble by the Jays in the fourth quarter put the Terrors were able to score first on a pass, Hen- ball ill Terror possession on the Jay's 30 yard Top: Shearer Rudisill comes lip 10 game. BoIIO'II: Zepp deep in Hampden
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