Page 50 - YB1950
P. 50
JOSEPH MICHAEL GIANNELLI 87 Albion Street Medford 55, Mass I, II, III, IV; LaCWMC II, ffl; S. C. A. II, III; Ddla Pi 1I1111m (Cilal' Dynamic Joe [rom Medford, Mass. . navy vet . standout on the foorhal! field likes to sing-duets Who's \Vllo . all around capabilities as leader hopes 1.0 coach football . extremely modest . terr-ific personality chapel a ucndarn GARLIN GILLESPIE 13 Walnut Street Littlestown, Pa. "Gill" a day student who sports a new Buick ... hails from Allan, Illinois . spent six years in the Army, serving; time in England and Germany. married and proud father of young danglucr big wheel in Liulcstown's American Legion. hopes to enter the industrial chemislr)" field after graduauon WILLIAM GIUvlARTlN 8'1'19 ElmhurH Avenue Eimhurst , N. Y. ticomnnics (;/11/1 III, IF; AI/i/III K"/'/){l ili/'im IV Vel of long hitc/l in the Coast Guard distracted d'uring first year on the Hill with thoughts of Alice . now a jovial inhabi- tant of the village of vets energetic Irish temperament Hashing smile has been known 10 cower roommates with a growl. . lately a studcn r of the golf game. renowned Iloriculuu-in with a green thumb. 46
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