Page 33 - YB1950
P. 33
ALFRED S. BRIGHT 24 BOil Air Avenue New Rochelle, N. Y. SI"dt:1I1 tn, IV; cou Te"'" I, II, Ill, IV; GII"''''(I AI. hails [rom New Rochelle ... provocative friendliness and possessor of a hearty laugh. . golf enthusiast . versatile per- sonality and a humorous disposition indispensable member of Gamma Beta Chi .. loves music and dancing .. discreet judgmcm in selection of numerous co-eds .. active partiripam in campus allairs to enter Columbia after graduation. FREDERICK W. BRILL 511 Sixt y-scvemh Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. me, A'l)/Ill Ga",,,,,, Tall "Fred" diabolical mind behind many practical jokes in Ward Hall. occasional lighter of 0re-crackers staunch supP?rter 01' tl~e Bachelors deep thinker . energetic in chelllistry, phYSICS, and mat ..h ... aviation enthusiast . subtle, dry h umm has some ddhcullY with admission slips each semester. CHARLES R. BRUBAKER 35 W. George Street westminster, Md. De/wliJlg k,w, tu : C,mlCl'umy Clliu tn, 'v "Ch.uck"' vcry busy day-student. Ln.lnsferred to Hill in {unior year .. red top and hurried pace Familiar to all chem majors .. facile on the calculations "Thomas jefferson' of Momgomcry Junior College's alumni association. 29
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