Page 49 - YB1949
P. 49
I BETTY JEAN MINNIS WILLIAM RALPH MISHLER Major: Mathematics Major: Economics "Minnie" ... came all the way from India to "Rex" ... Is there another season but Winter? become one of W.M.C.'s athletic champs ... (and that's for skiing) . . . enthusiastic fra- her little form is always busy with bridge, ten- ternity member ... a helping hand for all ... nis, knitting and practical jokes . . . plans to former Naval Air Corps man thinks gals utilize her math major in government work ... a fine hobby ... likes music friendly, re- Good luck in Washington, Min!!! liable and well liked, he will go far. MARYBEL MOTT HENRY J. MULLER Major: English and Psychology Major: Pre-Medicine "Mott" ... bundle of energy ... ought to be- Native of Maryland: "That doesn't mean any- come a professional tourist guide of Phila- thing, I had no choice" ... interested in bi- delphia ... "Now last summer in Ohio-" ... ology and football ... good all around per- has a habit of touching her temples while talk- sonality ... lopsided smile ... may be per- ing ... famous for two renditions (with mo- suaded to accept commission obtained in tion): "I Can't Say No" and a Cockney ver- W.M.C. R.O.T.C. sion of "Always." 45
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