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J. MARTIN POLAND Major: Economics Major: Economics "Yonnie"-husband's nickname for her that Marty is the major portion of the Poland fam- stuck ... surprised the campus with her mar- ily ... a good student, but a better companion riage in sophomore year ... February grad · .. well acquainted with Vetville mice and ... quiet, but her thoughts run deep ... en- mud ... his interest is selling ... laughing thusiast for the finer things ... independent blue eyes, a wide grin ... an optimistic, care- ... likes to travel ... loves the water, sailing free outlook ... gift of gab ... Dean's Lister. and Marty. MARY JANE PRICE MILDRED PRICE Major: Home Economics Major: Mathematics "M.J." ... missed her gay laughter, jokes and "Millie" ... quiet but friendly ... farm gal tap routines first semester ... practiced in the · .. math major who plans to teach ... fond . Management House for her M.R.S never of sports ... loves fried chicken . . . Eastern like the chemistry side of Home Ec little Shore rooter finally succumbed to bridge things never annoy her, but can cope with · .. early riser very efficient about every- the big ones efficiently. thing except packing ... "You couldn't exactly call me a blonde." 49
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