Page 45 - YB1949
P. 45
I CLAUDE FRANCIS LIBIS Major: Pre-Medicine Small, energetic, witty 1 •• interested in every- Spends spare time filling out medical school thing ... an English major with a keen mind applications very fond of chemistry ... ... can talk well on any subject ... "Don't book worm eighteen months in the Army ask about French" . . . usually seen at the with a typewriter ... a nice pleasing smile ... "radical" table in the grill with Ding and a cup hates to have to get up in the morning ... one of coffee. of the camera fiends. DONALD HERMAN LICHTY HELEN LINDAHL Major: History Major: Sociology "Don" ... summer graduate a radical ... The most interesting girl on campus married to [o, an ex forty-niner lover and vivacious ... portfolio of jokes and songs ... imitator of Asa Yolson ... did great job on beautiful Swedish features ... unusual hobby Preacher teams ... likes music of Wagner and of collecting pins ... artistic interests .. philosophy of Alexander Pope ... always good honor student ... chose to be an "independ- for a laugh ... headed for graduate school. ent" ... very Americanized but plans return trip to Sweden . humorous pronounciatior .. difficulties. 41
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