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THEODORE WALTER QUELCH BETTY RANCK Major: Psychology Major: Home Economics "Ted" ... always wearing a pleasant smile ... The gal with the perpetual smile ... good our Freshman class president . . . plans to looking Navy raincoats remind us that Betty enter Drew Theological Seminary upon gradua- was once a Wave ... gets a twinkle in her eye tion ... an indispensable member of the "Gold when Lancaster is mentioned ... perfect pos- Bug" staff among the elite on Puryear's ture ... practical home ec. major who designs rifle team faithful member of the band. her own clothes. JANET AUGUSTE RAUBENHEIMER BETTY REAMER Major: Sociology Major: English "Jan" ... A May Court perennial ... regal "Betty" ... cute, strawberry blond who prac- grace and carriage ... known for her page-boy tice-taught near Washington first semester ... hair style talking eyes quiet and even- likes to write letters in rhyme ... good seam- tempered feminine massive blouse col- stress ... laughs 99.44% of the time with a lection second floor front room in Blanche most distinctive giggle ... knows more nursery Ward affords excellent view of campus activi- rhymes than Mother Goose . . . impatient ties ... Eunie's friend ... loves New York. when there's no mail. 50
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