Page 47 - YB1949
P. 47
GRUVER H. MARTIN ROBERT A. MARTIN Major: Physics and Mathematics Major: Economics One of the Vetville students ... married to a "Bob" ... a Baltimore Poly graduate made teacher, former editor of the Gold Bug ... his way to W.M.C. via the Air Corps plays ardent physics student ... spent four years as a rugged game of football, but true love re- 2nd Lieutenant in Engineers ... attended volves around a bridge table ... conscientous summer sessions here and at G-burg ... ef- . . . has been known to take a kidding for a ficient editor of the Gold Bug. varying waistline ... has many friends. NANCY McALLISTER JOHN WILLIAM McGREW Major: Biology Major: Chemistry "Mac" ... "I have a fine idea!" ... first floor "Mac" ... West Virginian and proud of it knitting teacher ... always a witty remark ... ... attended school in Kent State, Ohio ... dresses well ... very frank ... always late to ex-Air Corps-not the Army! ... day hop from dinner ... has interests other than W. M. C. "Vetville" . . . likes music-wife is music ... What lies in the bottom of Nancy's teacher ... soccer and football fan, "but I have clothes' bag? ... plans to do graduate work. not time to play" ... five labs a week ... friendly with a quick "hello." 43
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