Page 51 - YB1949
P. 51
I ELAINE OMINISKY DORSEY EDGAR OSBORN Major: French Major: History "Ominsk" . . . her students will know their "Dorsey" ... History major who made B's in languages ... ever loyal to the I.R.C. and a Whitfield's courses ... lived home while prac- fervent booster of Western Reserve Summer tice teaching ... ardent baseball fan ... al- School . . . secret desire to visit Paris and ways in the game room ... likes to shoot pool Vienna ... lover of the fine arts ... easy to ... easy going and quiet, but always willing to get along with ... a willingness to do. help ... lives on cigarettes. PATRICIA OUTERBRIDGE CHARLES CARROLL PARKER Major: Art Major: Economics "Pat" ... colorful Bermuda background is ar-· "C.-C." ... graduates in August excellent tistically reflected on her canvases . . . never dancer and one of the best dressed fond of heard of football before coming to the States classical music, especially Schumann ... pet ... now she loves it ; .. can't study unless she's hate is afternoon classes ... admirer of Ma- knitting ... "Oh, this corner room is so dis- kosky's sex class (20th Century Lit.) ... hangs tracting»' . . . ex-officio chairman of the sun- around the side door of Blanche Ward. porch. 47
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