Page 128 - YB1948_Classical
P. 128
tions as the Choir, Glee Club, orchestra, our first semester examinations, and then Student Christian Association, Student the receiving of our first college grades. Government Association, Gold Bug, and Spring arrived eventually and with it- spring fever. The campus became a place International Relations Club. Time passed swiftly, and Christmas va- of beauty, as the spring flowers bloomed cation approached before we knew it. We and the trees began 10 blossom forth. We were given our first chance to experience were caught. in a constant whirl of spring activities and social functions with the for- what college life was like on the night be- mals and May Day exercises. fore vacation; some did so by writing term And now, as we finish the first chapter papers, which were due before we knew it. or our lire on the Hill, we look forward All were eager to get home, but after the first few days, we just couldn't wait to re- with anticipation to Chapter Two in search turn to our newly acquired friends and of further scholastic, athletic and social home. After Christmas, we were faced with achievements. 125
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