Page 127 - YB1948_Classical
P. 127
Two big moments of this week were the outdoor variety show and the show held in Blanche Ward, at which time certain freshmen imitated various sophomore girls. With the end of initiation, we settled down to some serious thought of our first college classes. Gradually, we learned the traditions of Western Maryland College and were anxi- ous to carry them out. We familiarized ourselves with the grille, the "rec" room, Carpe Diem, Margaret and Earl's, and the kicking post. P. Kern~. A. Yearley, .I. Il~bb, J. Lupetlni, M. Rupert. With the beginning of the pigskin sea- son, we displayed our school spirit ami FRESHMAN CLASS never-dying faith in our team members. Very few will forget those Friday evening President JOSEPH LUPER1Nl pep rallies, especially the parade down- V ice-President JOliN BABB town preceding the Homecoming game. Secretary PECGY KERNS Despite the rainy and biller weather on Treasurer MARY JEAN RUPERT Homecoming Day, we did our share in Historian ALICE ANNE YEARLEY cheering the "Terrors" on to victory to Our class history began on Registration uphold the tradition of never having lost a Day when we, the class of '51, made our Homecoming game. Several of our class- presence known to the Hill. Immediately mates earned positions on the varsity we were eager to become part of the one teams; we have reason to be proud or them. big happy family that exists here. The intramural teams seemed to hold their The first week was set aside as an orien- own in competition with the other classes, tation period; this consisted of assemblies, and each season they aim to improve. Our tests" and formal and informal get-togeth- class produced an ample supply of cheer- One by one, the upperclassmen re- leaders, as well as athletes. turned to inform us of the various prof es- sore' whims and peculiarities. Before long, Many have taken an active part in col- the girls were confronted with "Rat Week". lege life by participating in such organize- 124
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