Page 124 - YB1948_Classical
P. 124
On the third run we were glad to board long weekend gave sufficient time to mend the plane once more, still a sturdy plane the hrcken props. The sunny skies were but one that after two years of experience ahead-the gala Junior-Senior Prom, rose- knew where high mountain peaks and swift cup ceremony, and various spring festivi- downdrafts would ensnare us. We were ties were on the chartered course. Why, it' proud to welcome the new head pilot, Dr. wasn't so bad after all; that is, after the Ensor, this year and felt safe in putting our dark clouds had passed. transport under his charge. Then some un- We're not a shiny new transport now. expected rough weather came upon the The polished surface has worn off, leaving soene-c-final exams! Never having en- countered anything or its kind before, we a weather-beaten, yet sturdy, body ready to take lead position in the formation next made an emergency landing, refueled with year-lead position in that Aight which will cramming and determination, and then flew low for a whole week, hoping the winds ultimately lead to a college diploma and would be favorable. It was rough, but it greener pastures. 121
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