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was in high spirits then-we were going to soar high and in four years land in a Utopia. Yes, we thought. the position of a college graduate was more or less the greenest or pastures. After the take-off, the crew was organ- ized-e-electicns brought I'orth the class or- ficers, and an advisor was selected to aid ill rough weather. Sailing would have been smoother during those first few weeks if the upperclassmen hadn't closed in with "rat- ting", social pressure, and longstanding customs. Why, our crew wasn't the most important on the journey after all-we were only the newest plane, not yet bauered by ill winds! After we had adjusted our- H. Hamrnargren. K. nice, F. Stephenson, D. Climber, B. Sowers, selves to the hardships or our position, we J. Sa lise. found that all was not work on our journey -dances, class picnics, dorm parties, and JUNIOR CLASS traditional organizations macle wonderful scenery. The first really rough weather was mid-semester grades which brought us out President FRANK STEPHENSON of the clouds a little and dented the pol. Vice-President KELLY RICE ished surface of our craft. Secretary BAHIlARA SOWERS We arrived on campus in the fall to Treasurer DOBOnlY GAl\lBEH find our plane waiting, refueled with school Historian J l!:AN SAUSE spirit and plans for better grades. This Sergeant-at-Arms HAROLD HAMMARCHEN time it was our privilege to do tail-spins around the frightened Ireshruen. The Let's think or the Class of '4.9 as a new courses were harder now and many passen- plane cruising through a college career. gel's were forced to open their chutes, but The take-off was made in September of '45, those remaining assumed a greater share when we as freshmen came to the Hill. We in leadership and managing college activi- looked over our new transport and then ties. Then the Class of '49 dropped a rocket went through an orientation period, during on the campus, lighting it up with all the which we were assigned our reservations, sparkle and zest that a sophomore show course or journey, and pilots. Everyone could acid. 120
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