Page 125 - YB1948_Classical
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Tn September we came back [0 re-enter what we now cull home. When we regis- tered this lime we were familiar with West. ern Maryland, with its traditions, and with its personality. As freshmen we felt as though we were 011 the outside looking in: but as sophomores we felt more like a major part of the whole. Now it was our turn to initiate the fresh- men and then extend the olive branch by giving a dance for them at the end of rat week. Now we were able to become merĀ»- 1'. Callas. J Silber. J. Heckman, N, Muscllheimcl', II Keesler, bel'S of the sororities or fraternities and en- B. R,)bhins. joy more social life. We were well repre- SOPHOMORE CLASS sented 011 the football and hockey field and in the other sport activities, and claimed a President In.1 HACKMAN share of glory in the dramatic presenta- V ice-President JOHN SILIlER tions. We too helped to defend the campus Secretary BAR.DARA KEESLER Treasurer NED MASENHEIMER the night a rival school threatened to invade Sergeant-at-Arms PE'l'EH CALLAS the HiU during the football season, We' Historian BETTY LEE ROBIlINS flourished OUl' first year as upperclassmen. Two year's of our history at Western In the fall we opened new textbooks, en- Maryland have passed. It is difficult to tered new classrooms, and became ac- ascertain such a quick passage of time but quuiuted with the new faces on campus. easy to remember the numerous events that During the winter, we struggled through have taken place. Each year has given us a store of experiences that all too soon he- exam week, had the usual difficulty of mak- come memories. ing those eight o'clock classes, and still 122
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