Page 122 - YB1948_Classical
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SENIORS NOT PICTURED WILLIAM T. CHAFIN IVALTER BRYANT DORSEY Leonardtown, Maryland Route 1 Glen Rock, Pennsylvania Football 3, 4; Lacrosse 4; Deiui Pi, Alpha Senior transfer from Vanderbi 1L. . spends "Wall" ... attended Virginia Military In- each day Dodgeing between chem lab and stitute for two years before coming to the his Pennsylvania poultry farm ... served Hill ... active in intramurals ... also head in the Marines for two years, then returned janitor of the Preacher clubroom ... great to his native Tennessee to marry his favorite interest in fishing, swimming, blondes .. brunette .. swings a mean golf club .. hates cigarettes, but smokes them all the interested in basketball. . chemistry whiz time ... English major who takes life easy with a quiet, reserved manner . plans ... second home in the ree room ... plans graduate work at the University or Dele- to enter law school. . later retire on a ware. southern Maryland tobacco farm. HOWARD DOUGLAS PENDER SEYMOUR LEMESHOW 3605 Howard Park Avenue 2055 71st Street Baltimore 7, Maryland Brooklyn, NeVI York Debating 4 Tri Beta 4, Argonallts 4 A graduate with an education derived [rom Psych major and biology minor.. expert five different schools - California State on subject of rats-primates and otherwise Teachers', California, PennsyJvaniaj Drew .. ran most popular booth at. U.R.A.C. Theological Seminary; Auburn Theological bazaar beats path from dining hall to Seminary; Western Maryland; and the Griffin's lover of chemistry never school or hard knocks. . the latter in- seen without friend Willy .. knitted brows cludes nine years as a Protestant minister reveal a curiosity about your neurosis. and war work at Martin's . even-tempered after graduation plans to upset distribution despite that background ... now making plans to leach in the Rocky Mountains. of wealth. ]19
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