Page 91 - YB1947
P. 91
The class of '50 is ready to sign "finis" to its out the winter and spring sports programs. Pep first year on the Hill, but few of us will ever forget rallies with their climaxing parades downtown our lives as freshmen. were supported by the mighty freshmen-now a As we gathered in groups at the Administration unit working together for a common goal. Building on a very wet September 24, our spirits Western Maryland became a part of us and were only slightly dampened, for it would have the Gold Bug, the Aloha, and the mysterious text- taken more than mere rain to make us forget that books which held the key to knowledge were ours at last we were in college. Many of our lofty to protect and pass on in the years to come. dreams were quickly dispelled as the terrorizing "Carpe Diem", Old Main, the Grille, the "rec" upperclassmen arrived and we were "ratted" in hall, rush teas and smokers, and all the other tra- the traditional style by the sophomores. ditions of Western Maryland are our heritage. As With the arrival of the football season, our class freshmen we have constructed a foundation which supplied players, cheerleaders, and willing crowds we may be proud to build upon the rest of our at the games. Our enthusiasm continued through- college days.
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