Page 86 - YB1947
P. 86
dunLoH President CARLO ORTENZI Vice-president DON BRa HAWN Secretary SALLY SMITH Treasurer MARY HERSHFELD Historian PHYLLIS HOUCK front Row-S. Smith, Ortenzi, Henhfeld Bock Row-Ho~ck, Brohown. Three years have elapsed ·since the stalwart the St. Volentine's dance-a result of "whole- hearted" cooperation and interest. Succeeding in Ship of '48 set soil on the unfathomable sea of years in seorch for truth and adventure. The ship's remoining afloat on the rougher waters, we head- ed for port for the summer months, pausing on our log recounts the events in its glorious history. way to honor the crew of the '45 with impres- sive lantern chain ceremony. A goodly lot we were who boarded ship that September day in 1944; some feorless, others timid, but all eager to embark upon this maiden The much deserved vacation ended, our crew, depleted in number but strengthened in purpose, voyage. set soil on rougher seas. As the initiating crew, The sea was calm until a more experienced crew of a ship in our fleet boarded the '48 and we exercised our privilege to the fullest, climaxing treated us "like rats" making us "submerge" and the siege with a trying "hell night". We repented of our arrogance when as sorority pledges we obey their every command. Periodic storms arose that tested our mental were subjected to a still tougher hazing. At mid-year many veterans joined the crew and alertness. Some mates were thrown overboard; with them came the return of athletic events and others were transferred to war ships and the mili- the reopening of the fraternity rooms. Notwith- tary services. The outstanding social event of the year was standing, the Ship of '48 sensed the lock of spirit 82
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