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P. 89
The sophomores agree that gold is where you hops this feeling comes from passing an traditions find it, because we have "struck it rich" an the like "Rat Week", the kicking post, and the custom- Hill. Last year we had same idea of the wealth ary "hello". Perhaps it comes from renewing that was ours, but everything was so new that we friendships we mode lost year, which will endure didn't look sufficiently for beyond the novelty of long after we entrust our heritage to those who our college life to perceive its real value. follow. At any· rate the Hill and what we associ- Even now it is impossible for us, as gay, young ate with it has taken on meaning. sophomores, to appreciate to the fullest what we The "forty-niners" have found gold here-be- have. However, the glitter of lost year has not tween the covers of each book, at every football worn off and we are heirs to on abundant fortune. game or dance, in the sunsets seen from the Hill, This is our heritage, just as it has been thai of in every friendly smile. We have stoked our many others. This year we feel that we really be- claims at Western Maryland and we're proud of long to W. M. C. and that it belongs to us. Per- our little gold mine.
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