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fronl Row-Storkey. G. Normon. Resnick. Grumbine. L. Carter. 80ck Row-H. Burge". Groby. Burkin •• Ric". Bright. President AL RESNICK and the fall sports calendar were provided for the Vice-president GEORGE NORMAN entire student body. Secretory-treasurer BOB GRUMBINE Homecoming Day, the highlight of the football season, was sponsored through the combined ef- After the interruption of the war years, the forts of the Men's and Women's Student Govern- Men's Student Government has again ossumed its ments, as well as the May Doy festivities. These position as the representative organization of the two organizotions also held 0 banquet in honor men on the campus. of the Varsity and Junior Varsity football teams In 011 matters, the Student Council attempted to for hoving the best state record. bring about a better understanding between the It become apparent during the year that virtu- students and the administration. ally every campus problem is of equal interest to The work of the council begon during Freshman the men ond the women, and in view of this, with Week. The College Handbook (published in co- the further belief that effective action is possible operation with the S. C. A.) was distributed among only in a single, unified group, preliminary steps the new students, and volunteers helped in the hove been token at the time of this writing to orientation program in other ways. Desk blotters combine the two Student Governments. 90
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